Neil Mackay, 36B Breasclete

We regret to announce that one of the victims of the recent airraid on Chatham Barracks was Neil Mackay, RNR, son of Murdo Mackay, 36 Breasclet. Deceased, who was aged 33, was mobilised with the RNR at the outbreak of hostilities and served on board one of HM ships in the Persian Gulf. He was ill for some time and sent home to an English hospital. In July 1916, he was sent to Chatham, where he became a member ofo the Naval Pipe Band. He was a fine you fellow and was much liked by all who knew him. To know Neil was to love him. Deep sympathy is felt for the sorrowing family. Mr Mackay has another son serving in the Seaforths in France at the moment.

21 September 1917

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