We regret to announce that Mrs Finlayson, 10 North Tolsta, has received intimation that her younger son, Pte Alexander Finlayson, Royal Scots, has died of wounds in Palestine. Alick was mobilised at the beginning of the war, and was severely wounded in Flanders in October 1914. In the following spring, he was trnasferred from the Gordons to the Royal Scots and sent for garrison duty to Cyprus. Last summer, he took his place in the forntline again. The deceased, who was 23 years of age, and of a kindly and gentle disposition, was a great favourite among the old and the young. He was a loving son and brother, as well as a generous and faithful friend. Much sympathy is felt for his widowed mother, brother and sisters in their sore bereavement. His only brother, William is serving with the Canadians.
This township has lost thirty men in this war.
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