George Macleod, 15 Scotland Street, Stornoway

The death of Lieut. George Macleod, RNR, removes another of the many Stornoway boys who made the sea their calling. He was 33 years of age and the eldest son of the late Mr Malcolm Macleod and Mrs Macleod, 12 Lorne Street, Ibrox [Glasgow]. He left Stornoway 16 years ago and after serving in various shipping companies joined the Alfred Holt Line in 1913. He sailed for them until November 1915, when he left to join the Navy, obtaining a commission there as Sub-Lieutenant. Proving himself a capable and efficient officer, his promotion to th erank of Lieutenant followed three months later. He was last in Glasgow about five months back, having been appointed to a new ship, in which he was serving at the time of his death. The news of this sad event was conveyed in a brief telegram on April 26th, which was later on confirmed by an official intimation from the Admiralty. Five officers and one man lost their lives as a result of an explosion following the ship being torpedoed. In sympathising deeply with his widowed mother and brothers and sisters in their loss, a wide circle of friends will greatly miss his bright and cheery presence.

17 May 1918

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