William Campbell, 13 Aird (Point)

William Campbell, son of Mr Norman Campbell, 13 Aird, died on 13 June 1918, aged 32. At the outbreak of war, he was in Canada but hastened to respond to the National Call. He took part with the Antwerp Relief Force. After the exhausting march to Ghent, they entrained for Ostend, where he arrived seriously ill suffering from pleurisy. After a long spell in Haslar Hospital he was discharged. His health was so seriously impaired that henceforth he was unfit for hard work, consequently he opened a small grocery business in his father's house. He was a young man of superior intelligence, gentle and unassuming. his brother John was drowned on HMS Bayano in the early stages of the war. Much sympathy is felt for his sorrowing parents and sister.

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