Never morning wears to evening in these days but some hearts at home are breaking. On every field where fighting is going on our fellow islanders are bearing their part with the flower of the Empire's manhood, even unto death. Daily from the [...] hills of Macedonia or the sun-scorched valley of the Tigris of the bloody fields of France comes news to this Ultima Thule of some from among the best of her sons making the supreme sacrifice in the cause of righteousness. And all the [...] increases the toll. While each day brings its own sad tidings to some lonely hearts, at times a single casualty touches the hearts of the whole community and spreads widespread sorrow. It was so when the news came of the death of Mr William Macleod, photographer, Keith Street [listed Matheson Road in the Roll of Honour]. As a bomber in the Seaforths he had been through the recent heavy fighting east of Arras till on the 16th of May he met his death in action at the hands of an enemy sniper.
Many knew him in his professional life. At some time or other almost every person in the town and island was likely to have had business with him. Yet few, very few, knew him intimately. Instinctively, however, visitors to his studio felt that beneath his reserve and gentleness of manner were other qualities that endeared him to them all. Only his friends knew how very strong was his sense of duty. Painstaking in most things, he was conscientious in all his obligations. He was always quite, true and tender. He was endowed with a very [...] sense of humour. It was herediatry, and often occasioned surprise to persons not closely associated with him.
His appreciation of the true issues at stake and his keen sense of duty impelled him to enter on military service.
He was a former pupil of the Nicolson Institute. After leaving school he carried on his father's studio for some time. Then he went to London to study the latest methods in the art of photography. When he came home again, his business prospered rapidly. His work was modern in every way and a source of satisfaction to the community in general.
When we look back on our school days we wonder at our boyish outlook and our ignorance of our fellows. Willie Macleod was quiet and gentle, an unobtrusive boy, not aloof from his fellows certainly, but yet not participating to the full in their unrestricted boisterousness. He was always kindly, sympathetic and lovable. Time and circumstance have made manifest the fearlessness and unbounded courage hidden behind his gentle demeanour.
Today, the community mourns his loss. Our hearts go out in sympathy to his bereaved mother, sisters and brothers in these days so full for them of loneliness and tears.
The friendship and appreciation of a contemporary has induced me to pay this faltering tribute to the memory of a fine personality.
Stornoway Gazette, 1 June 1917
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